Help: The Ethics of Rescue (under contract with Oxford University Press)
In press: Stones and Lives: The Ethics of Protecting Heritage in War (Oxford: OUP) (with Derek Matravers).Publication June 2024.
(2023) William Bülow, Helen Frowe, Derek Matravers and Joshua Thomas (eds.), Heritage and War: Ethical Issues (Oxford: OUP).
(2022) The Ethics of War and Peace: An Introduction (3rd edn.) (Routledge).
(2018) Seth Lazar and Helen Frowe (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Ethics of War (New York: OUP).
(2015) The Ethics of War and Peace: An Introduction (2nd edn.) (Routledge).
(2014) Defensive Killing (Oxford: OUP).
(2014) Helen Frowe and Gerald Lang (eds.) How We Fight: Ethics in War, (Oxford: OUP).
(2011) The Ethics of War and Peace: An Introduction, (London: Routledge).
(forthcoming): ‘Belligerents’ Duties to War Refugees’, in Kevin Cutright and Stephen Woodside (eds.) 9/11 and The War on Terror: Ethical Reflections Twenty Years On (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
(2023) 'Assisting the Assisters: The Comparative Claims of Afghan Refugees', Philosophy and Public Affairs, 51/3:294-326. Winner of the 2023 Elizabeth D. Rockwell Prize.
(2023) ‘Conflicts in Heritage Protection’, in William Bülow, Helen Frowe, Derek Matravers, and Joshua Thomas (eds.) Heritage and War: Ethical Issues (Oxford: Oxford University Press): 33-50 (co-authored with Derek Matravers).
(2023): ‘Jus ad Vim and Measures Short of War’, in Edward Barrett (ed.) Justice at the Margins of War: The Ethics of Espionage and Grey Zone Operations (Annapolis: Naval Institute Press).
(2022) ‘Liability for Wrongful Assistance: On Causing Unjust Harm in the Course of Suboptimal Rescue’ Journal of Applied Philosophy 39/1: 23-37.
(2022) 'Intervening Agency and Civilian Liability', Criminal Law and Philosophy 16: 181-191.
(2022) 'Risk Imposition and Liability to Defensive Harm', Criminal Law and Philosophy 16: 511-524. Symposium on Jonathan Quong's The Morality of Defensive Force.
(2022) ‘Reconstruction and the Cultural Turn’, in Clare Finkelstein, Derek Gillman and Frederik Rosén (eds.), The Preservation of Art and Culture in Times of War (Oxford: Oxford University Press): 53-69 (co-authored with Derek Matravers).
(2021) 'The Moral Irrelevance of Moral Coercion', Philosophical Studies 178: 3465-3482.
(2021) 'The Limited Use View of the Duty to Save', Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy 7. Winner of the 2019 Marc Sanders Prize in Political Philosophy.
(2021) ‘Ethics of War’, in Katrien Devolder (ed.) Routledge Encyclopaedia of Philosophy (Routledge).
(2021) ‘Self-Defence’ in Edward N. Zalta (ed.) Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy (co-authored with Jonathan Parry).
(2020) 'Bystanders, Risk, and Consent', Bioethics 34/9: 906-911 (part of a symposium on risks in clinical trials).
(2019) ‘Wrongful Observation’ Philosophy and Public Affairs Vol. 47/2: 105 - 137 (co-authored with Jonathan Parry).
(2019) 'Civilian Liability', Ethics Vol.129 / 4: 625 - 650.
(2019) 'If You'll Be My Bodyguard: Agreements to Save and the Duty to Minimise Harm', Ethics (2019) Vol. 129 / 2: 1 - 25
(2019) 'The Duty to Remove Statues of Wrongdoers', Journal of Practical Ethics 7/3: 1 - 31.
(2019) 'Conflict and Cultural Heritage: A Moral Analysis of the Challenges of Heritage Protection', J. Paul Getty Trust Occasional Papers in Cultural Heritage Policy, 3 (co-authored with Derek Matravers).
(2019) ‘Legitimate Targets in War’, David Edmonds and Julian Savulescu (eds.), Ethics in the Contemporary World, Routledge.
(2019) 'War and Intervention', in Robert Jubb, Patrick Tomlin and Catriona McKinnon (eds.), Issues in Political Theory, 4th edn., (Oxford: Oxford University Press).(Revised and updated)
(2018) ‘Defending Defensive Killing: Reply to McMahan, Barry, Haque, Renzo and Ferzan’, Journal of Moral Philosophy (symposium on Defensive Killing)
(2018) 'Lesser-Evil Justifications for Harming: Why We are Required to Turn the Trolley', The Philosophical Quarterly, Vol. 68, No. 2: 460 - 480. One of the most-read PQ articles of 2018; included in OUP’s 2018 Best of Philosophy list.
(2018) ‘Introduction: Symposium on Seth Lazar’s Sparing Civilians’, Law and Philosophy, 37: 229 - 241. Guest editor.
(2018) 'The Ethics of War', in Lazar and Frowe (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Ethics of War, (New York: Oxford University Press), pp. 1 - 20, co-authored with Seth Lazar
(2018) ‘The Just War Framework’, in Lazar and Frowe (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Ethics of War, (New York: Oxford University Press): 41-58.
(2017): 'War in Political Philosophy‘, in William R. Thompson (ed.) Oxford Research Encyclopaedia of Politics, (Oxford University Press).
(2016) ‘On the Redundancy of Jus ad Vim’, Ethics and International Affairs, Vol. 30, No. 1, 2016, pp. 117 - 129.
(2016) 'Collectivism and Reductivism in the Ethics of War', Kimberley Brownlee, David Coady and Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen (eds.) Blackwell Companion to Applied Philosophy (Wiley-Blackwell).
(2016) 'The Role of Necessity in Liability to Defensive Harm', Christian Coons and Michael Weber (ed.), The Ethics of Self-Defence (New York: OUP).
(2015) 'Claims Rights, Duties and Lesser Evil Obligations', Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volume, Vol. 89, pp. 267 - 285.
(2015) 'Can Reductive Individualists Allow Defence Against Political Aggression?' Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy, Vol. 1, pp. 173 - 193.
(2015) 'War and Intervention', Catriona McKinnon (ed.) Issues in Political Theory (3rd edn.), (Oxford: Oxford University Press), pp. 213 - 235.
(2014) 'Non-Combatant Liability in War' in Frowe and Lang (eds.) How We Fight (Oxford: OUP): 172-187.
(2014) 'Judging Armed Humanitarian Intervention' Don E. Schied (ed) The Ethics of Armed Humanitarian Intervention (Cambridge, CUP): 95-112.
(2011) ‘Self-defence and the Principle of Non-Combatant Immunity’, Journal of Moral Philosophy, Vol. 8, No. 4: 530 - 546. Reprinted in Thom Brooks (ed.) Just War Theory, (Leiden, Netherlands: Brill, 2012).
(2011): ‘Jeff McMahan’ in Deen Chaterjee (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Global Justice, Springer.
(2010) ‘Killing John to save Mary: A Defense of the Moral Distinction between Killing and Letting Die’, Topics In Contemporary Philosophy Vol. 7: Action, Ethics and Responsibility, Campbell, J., O’Rourke, M., Silverstein, H., (Eds.) (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press): 47 -66
(2009) ‘A Practical Account of Self-Defence’, Law and Philosophy, Vol. 29, No. 3:. 245 - 270.
(2009) ‘The Justified Infliction of Unjust Harm’, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Vol. 109, No. 3: 345 - 351.
(2009) ‘Human value and human interest: Euthanasia in Million Dollar Baby’, in Sandra Shapshay, (Ed.), Bioethics at the Movies, (Maryland: John Hopkins University Press): 242-255.
(2008) ‘Threats, Bystanders and Obstructors’, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Vol. 108, No. 3: 365 - 372.
(2008) ‘Equating Innocent Threats and Bystanders’, Journal of Applied Philosophy, Vol. 25, No. 4: 277 - 290.
Journal Symposia as Guest Editor
(2023) Symposium on Victor Tadros’ To Do, To Die, To Reason Why: Individual Ethics in War, Mind. Contributors: Anna Stilz, Johann Frick, Daniel Viehoff, Christopher Wellman, Colleen Murphy, Victor Tadros.
(2022) The Ethics of Indirect Intervention, Journal of Applied Philosophy 39/1. Contributors: James Christensen, Helen Frowe, Christopher Finlay.
(2021) Moral Responsibility and Liability to Defensive Harm, Philosophical Studies 178/11. Contributors: Victor Tadros, Carolina Sartorio, Alexander Kaiserman, Gunnar Bjornsson, Helen Frowe, Yitzhak Benbaji; Dana Nelkin; Massimo Renzo.
(2020) Historical Injustice in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Theoretical Inquires in Law 21/2. Contributors: Victor Tadros, David Miller, Margaret Moore, Yitzhak Benbaji, Cheyney Ryan, Eyal Benvenisti and Tamar Megiddo, Chaim Gans, Itamar Mann, Julie Cooper, Alan Patten, Raef Zreik, Manal Totry-Jubran.
(2019) Causation and War, Journal of Applied Philosophy 37/3. Contributors: Helen Beebee and Alex Kaiserman, Carolina Sartorio, Lars Christie. Beebee and Kaiserman’s paper won the JAP’s Annual Best Article Prize.
(2019) Symposium on Adil Ahmad Haque’s Law and Morality at War, Ethics 129/4. Contributors: Jonathan Parry and Daniel Viehoff, Kimberly Ferzan, Christopher Finlay, Helen Frowe.
(2018) Symposium on Seth Lazar’s Sparing Civilians, Law and Philosophy 37/3. Contributors: Victor Tadros, Yitzhak Benbaji, Alec Walen, Cheyney Ryan.
(2015) Invited Review: Deen Chatterjee (ed.) The Ethics of Preventive War, Ethics,
(2013) Invited Review: Jeff McMahan, Killing in War, The Journal of Moral Philosophy.
(2012) Invited Review: Michael Gross, Moral Dilemmas of Modern War, Mind, 120, 480, pp. 1258 - 1262.
(2009) Invited Review: Igor Primoratz, (Ed.) Civilian Immunity in War, Analysis Reviews, Vol. 69, No.2, April 2009, pp. 1 -2
(2008) Invited Review: Larry May, (Ed.) War: Essays in Political Philosophy, Notre Dame Philosophical Review, (Nov. 2008)
Help: The Ethics of Rescue (under contract with Oxford University Press)
In press: Stones and Lives: The Ethics of Protecting Heritage in War (Oxford: OUP) (with Derek Matravers).Publication June 2024.
(2023) William Bülow, Helen Frowe, Derek Matravers and Joshua Thomas (eds.), Heritage and War: Ethical Issues (Oxford: OUP).
(2022) The Ethics of War and Peace: An Introduction (3rd edn.) (Routledge).
(2018) Seth Lazar and Helen Frowe (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Ethics of War (New York: OUP).
(2015) The Ethics of War and Peace: An Introduction (2nd edn.) (Routledge).
(2014) Defensive Killing (Oxford: OUP).
(2014) Helen Frowe and Gerald Lang (eds.) How We Fight: Ethics in War, (Oxford: OUP).
(2011) The Ethics of War and Peace: An Introduction, (London: Routledge).
(forthcoming): ‘Belligerents’ Duties to War Refugees’, in Kevin Cutright and Stephen Woodside (eds.) 9/11 and The War on Terror: Ethical Reflections Twenty Years On (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
(2023) 'Assisting the Assisters: The Comparative Claims of Afghan Refugees', Philosophy and Public Affairs, 51/3:294-326. Winner of the 2023 Elizabeth D. Rockwell Prize.
(2023) ‘Conflicts in Heritage Protection’, in William Bülow, Helen Frowe, Derek Matravers, and Joshua Thomas (eds.) Heritage and War: Ethical Issues (Oxford: Oxford University Press): 33-50 (co-authored with Derek Matravers).
(2023): ‘Jus ad Vim and Measures Short of War’, in Edward Barrett (ed.) Justice at the Margins of War: The Ethics of Espionage and Grey Zone Operations (Annapolis: Naval Institute Press).
(2022) ‘Liability for Wrongful Assistance: On Causing Unjust Harm in the Course of Suboptimal Rescue’ Journal of Applied Philosophy 39/1: 23-37.
(2022) 'Intervening Agency and Civilian Liability', Criminal Law and Philosophy 16: 181-191.
(2022) 'Risk Imposition and Liability to Defensive Harm', Criminal Law and Philosophy 16: 511-524. Symposium on Jonathan Quong's The Morality of Defensive Force.
(2022) ‘Reconstruction and the Cultural Turn’, in Clare Finkelstein, Derek Gillman and Frederik Rosén (eds.), The Preservation of Art and Culture in Times of War (Oxford: Oxford University Press): 53-69 (co-authored with Derek Matravers).
(2021) 'The Moral Irrelevance of Moral Coercion', Philosophical Studies 178: 3465-3482.
(2021) 'The Limited Use View of the Duty to Save', Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy 7. Winner of the 2019 Marc Sanders Prize in Political Philosophy.
(2021) ‘Ethics of War’, in Katrien Devolder (ed.) Routledge Encyclopaedia of Philosophy (Routledge).
(2021) ‘Self-Defence’ in Edward N. Zalta (ed.) Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy (co-authored with Jonathan Parry).
(2020) 'Bystanders, Risk, and Consent', Bioethics 34/9: 906-911 (part of a symposium on risks in clinical trials).
(2019) ‘Wrongful Observation’ Philosophy and Public Affairs Vol. 47/2: 105 - 137 (co-authored with Jonathan Parry).
(2019) 'Civilian Liability', Ethics Vol.129 / 4: 625 - 650.
(2019) 'If You'll Be My Bodyguard: Agreements to Save and the Duty to Minimise Harm', Ethics (2019) Vol. 129 / 2: 1 - 25
(2019) 'The Duty to Remove Statues of Wrongdoers', Journal of Practical Ethics 7/3: 1 - 31.
(2019) 'Conflict and Cultural Heritage: A Moral Analysis of the Challenges of Heritage Protection', J. Paul Getty Trust Occasional Papers in Cultural Heritage Policy, 3 (co-authored with Derek Matravers).
(2019) ‘Legitimate Targets in War’, David Edmonds and Julian Savulescu (eds.), Ethics in the Contemporary World, Routledge.
(2019) 'War and Intervention', in Robert Jubb, Patrick Tomlin and Catriona McKinnon (eds.), Issues in Political Theory, 4th edn., (Oxford: Oxford University Press).(Revised and updated)
(2018) ‘Defending Defensive Killing: Reply to McMahan, Barry, Haque, Renzo and Ferzan’, Journal of Moral Philosophy (symposium on Defensive Killing)
(2018) 'Lesser-Evil Justifications for Harming: Why We are Required to Turn the Trolley', The Philosophical Quarterly, Vol. 68, No. 2: 460 - 480. One of the most-read PQ articles of 2018; included in OUP’s 2018 Best of Philosophy list.
(2018) ‘Introduction: Symposium on Seth Lazar’s Sparing Civilians’, Law and Philosophy, 37: 229 - 241. Guest editor.
(2018) 'The Ethics of War', in Lazar and Frowe (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Ethics of War, (New York: Oxford University Press), pp. 1 - 20, co-authored with Seth Lazar
(2018) ‘The Just War Framework’, in Lazar and Frowe (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Ethics of War, (New York: Oxford University Press): 41-58.
(2017): 'War in Political Philosophy‘, in William R. Thompson (ed.) Oxford Research Encyclopaedia of Politics, (Oxford University Press).
(2016) ‘On the Redundancy of Jus ad Vim’, Ethics and International Affairs, Vol. 30, No. 1, 2016, pp. 117 - 129.
(2016) 'Collectivism and Reductivism in the Ethics of War', Kimberley Brownlee, David Coady and Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen (eds.) Blackwell Companion to Applied Philosophy (Wiley-Blackwell).
(2016) 'The Role of Necessity in Liability to Defensive Harm', Christian Coons and Michael Weber (ed.), The Ethics of Self-Defence (New York: OUP).
(2015) 'Claims Rights, Duties and Lesser Evil Obligations', Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volume, Vol. 89, pp. 267 - 285.
(2015) 'Can Reductive Individualists Allow Defence Against Political Aggression?' Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy, Vol. 1, pp. 173 - 193.
(2015) 'War and Intervention', Catriona McKinnon (ed.) Issues in Political Theory (3rd edn.), (Oxford: Oxford University Press), pp. 213 - 235.
(2014) 'Non-Combatant Liability in War' in Frowe and Lang (eds.) How We Fight (Oxford: OUP): 172-187.
(2014) 'Judging Armed Humanitarian Intervention' Don E. Schied (ed) The Ethics of Armed Humanitarian Intervention (Cambridge, CUP): 95-112.
(2011) ‘Self-defence and the Principle of Non-Combatant Immunity’, Journal of Moral Philosophy, Vol. 8, No. 4: 530 - 546. Reprinted in Thom Brooks (ed.) Just War Theory, (Leiden, Netherlands: Brill, 2012).
(2011): ‘Jeff McMahan’ in Deen Chaterjee (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Global Justice, Springer.
(2010) ‘Killing John to save Mary: A Defense of the Moral Distinction between Killing and Letting Die’, Topics In Contemporary Philosophy Vol. 7: Action, Ethics and Responsibility, Campbell, J., O’Rourke, M., Silverstein, H., (Eds.) (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press): 47 -66
(2009) ‘A Practical Account of Self-Defence’, Law and Philosophy, Vol. 29, No. 3:. 245 - 270.
(2009) ‘The Justified Infliction of Unjust Harm’, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Vol. 109, No. 3: 345 - 351.
(2009) ‘Human value and human interest: Euthanasia in Million Dollar Baby’, in Sandra Shapshay, (Ed.), Bioethics at the Movies, (Maryland: John Hopkins University Press): 242-255.
(2008) ‘Threats, Bystanders and Obstructors’, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Vol. 108, No. 3: 365 - 372.
(2008) ‘Equating Innocent Threats and Bystanders’, Journal of Applied Philosophy, Vol. 25, No. 4: 277 - 290.
Journal Symposia as Guest Editor
(2023) Symposium on Victor Tadros’ To Do, To Die, To Reason Why: Individual Ethics in War, Mind. Contributors: Anna Stilz, Johann Frick, Daniel Viehoff, Christopher Wellman, Colleen Murphy, Victor Tadros.
(2022) The Ethics of Indirect Intervention, Journal of Applied Philosophy 39/1. Contributors: James Christensen, Helen Frowe, Christopher Finlay.
(2021) Moral Responsibility and Liability to Defensive Harm, Philosophical Studies 178/11. Contributors: Victor Tadros, Carolina Sartorio, Alexander Kaiserman, Gunnar Bjornsson, Helen Frowe, Yitzhak Benbaji; Dana Nelkin; Massimo Renzo.
(2020) Historical Injustice in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Theoretical Inquires in Law 21/2. Contributors: Victor Tadros, David Miller, Margaret Moore, Yitzhak Benbaji, Cheyney Ryan, Eyal Benvenisti and Tamar Megiddo, Chaim Gans, Itamar Mann, Julie Cooper, Alan Patten, Raef Zreik, Manal Totry-Jubran.
(2019) Causation and War, Journal of Applied Philosophy 37/3. Contributors: Helen Beebee and Alex Kaiserman, Carolina Sartorio, Lars Christie. Beebee and Kaiserman’s paper won the JAP’s Annual Best Article Prize.
(2019) Symposium on Adil Ahmad Haque’s Law and Morality at War, Ethics 129/4. Contributors: Jonathan Parry and Daniel Viehoff, Kimberly Ferzan, Christopher Finlay, Helen Frowe.
(2018) Symposium on Seth Lazar’s Sparing Civilians, Law and Philosophy 37/3. Contributors: Victor Tadros, Yitzhak Benbaji, Alec Walen, Cheyney Ryan.
(2015) Invited Review: Deen Chatterjee (ed.) The Ethics of Preventive War, Ethics,
(2013) Invited Review: Jeff McMahan, Killing in War, The Journal of Moral Philosophy.
(2012) Invited Review: Michael Gross, Moral Dilemmas of Modern War, Mind, 120, 480, pp. 1258 - 1262.
(2009) Invited Review: Igor Primoratz, (Ed.) Civilian Immunity in War, Analysis Reviews, Vol. 69, No.2, April 2009, pp. 1 -2
(2008) Invited Review: Larry May, (Ed.) War: Essays in Political Philosophy, Notre Dame Philosophical Review, (Nov. 2008)